Thursday, April 10, 2008

Indonesia Food

So Indonesians are very proud of their food. Some of it is good, some of it I have avoided like the plague. They are very proud of the fact that they eat bats, cats, rats, mice, and dogs. I have had fish for almost every meal and chicken when possible. The picture above is what I COULD have had for dinner. It is called a Coconut Crab apparently. It is an endangered species so I can't figure out how they can sell it for eating. Apparently these things live in coconut trees. I am supposed to go snorkeling on Saturday and I am now terrified to walk under trees. This thing's body is about as big as my head, not including the legs. Yikes! Tonight I am really hoping we have dinner on our own so I can go down to the Pizza Hut! I would give anything for a pizza or pasta.


Aaron said...

Ladies Man here (from SNL)...yeah, now that's just disgusting... :)

Sarah said...

maybe I shouldn't be so scared about the 1 inch centipedes we have

Becca said...

these is something disturbing about that fact that someone's dinner is walking around on the kitchen floor. i guess they have no concept of the 5 sec. rule.